Top 7 Productivity Apps for macOS

These are the best Mac productivity apps you probably don’t know about. They will help boost your workflow and get more done in less time.

  • Amazing Marvin - To-do list

  • Bear - NoteTaking

  • Rectangle - Arranging windows

  • Flux - Screen tinting

  • Franz - Messaging hub

  • Clockify - Time Management

  • Ikuna - Context isolation, Deep work

Amazing Marvin - To-Do list

Price: 8$/Month or 300$ Lifetime

Marvin incorporates principles from behavioral psychology to help you beat procrastination, feel in control and finish your to-do list.
Different things work for different people, so your workflow should be tailored to your unique brain and life.

In Marvin, each feature can be individually enabled and customized so you can experiment with your workflow without having to constantly try out different apps.
Try Marvin without any commitment for 30 days. No credit card required.

Download Amazing Marvin

Bear - brainstorming and note-taking

Price: Core is Free or 14.99$

Bear is a unique kind of note-taking app designed to make it easier for Mac users to jot down notes on the go. With it, you can create to-do lists, give yourself reminders, and outline concepts for future brainstorming sessions.

It comes with many different inline styles so you can customize your notes to your personal preferences, and remember the context in which you wrote them. The core version is free, with a $14.99 per year version available as well.

Download Bear

Rectangle - Arranging windows

Price: Free

The set of functionalities offered on Rectangle are more than sufficient for most people. And the ease of use further adds to the experience. Arranging windows can be done either by clicking on the desired window setting from the menu bar or by using custom keyboard shortcuts. The latter requires you to memorize the shortcuts for different window setting layouts, but once you get acquainted, you can get quick and efficient at organizing your desktop. If you already use a lot of shortcuts on your Mac and want to change the default ones on Rectangle, you can do so from the preferences.

Download Rectangle

Tags: Opensource, Window Tiling

Flux - screen tinting

Price: Free

Do you often find yourself feeling tired throughout the day, or feeling unable to get to sleep after a day of staring at your computer? That could be because of the unnatural blue light that radiates from your Mac.

Flux naturally adapts your display to emit light that matches the time of day, so you can sleep better and feel less tired. It’s also free!

Download: Flux

Tags: Opensource, Window Tiling

Franz - Social Hub

Price: Free - opensource

Franz supports a great variety of business and private messaging & chat services like Slack, WhatsApp, WeChat, Messenger, Telegram, Google Hangouts, Skype, Zendesk and many more.

Set up multiple sets of services and easily switch between them at any time. More focus, less distraction! Franz Workspaces help you create distraction-free work environments by making sure you’re only getting the notifications you absolutely need while working on a specific project. Setting up different Workspaces for business and private life is also an easy way to disconnect from work at home or on weekends, helping you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Download: Franz

Clockify - time tracking

Price: Free

It is a completely free time tracking tool for agencies and freelancers. Clockify enables you as a manager to build bigger and better teams so you can focus on productivity without getting distractions.

Clockify helps you to keep track of employee time-sheets, billable hours, project completion, and schedules.

Keep track of what you are working on and assign your logs to relevant project managers and clients. It is easy to generate weekly, monthly & annual reports.
Supports Mac OS 10.12 and higher. Best time tracker we have used.

Download: Clockify

Ikuna - Context Isolation

Price: Free

Context isolation software. Create and customize a workspace for each context you have.
Completely free tool for digital workers. Ikuna enables you to customize your computer depending on what you do.
Helps you focus by clearing all your clutter apps, opening and positioning everything you need to get started.

Create a personalized, 3-sec launchable workspace for every project. All your tabs and apps coming together exactly the way you want them to.


Ikuna Installation 15s Step by Step Guide


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