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What Is Productivity? A Definition & Proven Ways To Improve It

Productivity is a concept that’s widely misunderstood. The main reason is that we use the word productivity on a macro and micro scale

  1. Workforce productivity: The total amount of goods and services workers produce in a certain period. (Macro)

  2. Personal productivity: The relevant output of an individual in a certain period. (Micro)

You do not control the former(macro) but you have 100% control over the latter (Micro).

The Productivity Guide: Time Management Strategies That Work

Being productive is about maintaining a steady, average speed on a few things, not maximum speed on everything.

A comprehensive list of strategies that we strongly recommend.

The problem with productivity culture

“Productivity is overrated. Just focus on doing good work. Every day when you go to bed, you need to make sure you did the thing that gives your life meaning” – Austin Kleon

The 3 Breaks You Need to Take Every Day

An easy strategy for being happier and more productive at work

Break 1: Physical

Break 2: Social

Break 3: Spiritual

4 Things Productive People Don’t Do

1. Working in marathons instead of sprints

2. Coping with distractions instead of eliminating them

3. Using fear and criticism to motivate yourself

4. Doing other people’s work instead of your own